League News


GBMH Covid Guidelines


Hello Glace Bay Minor Hockey Families,


As you are well aware, Covid cases in our province and within our region are growing at a fast rate. The NS Government just announced that Christmas Break has been extended for a second time and the last day of classes for students will be Friday, December 17, 2021. While there has been no further announcements from Hockey Nova Scotia we must continue to remain vigilant and use an abundance of caution when attending practices, games and hockey related activities. Good hand hygiene, physical distancing, and mask use need to be practiced at all times. Many of us are experiencing mask fatigue, but this is no time to let our guard down. Outbreaks start with one positive case and one positive case will have a huge impact on our association. 


The following restrictions take effect on Friday, December 17, 2021 


spectators are limited to 50 per cent of a facility’s capacity; spectator limits are also capped at a maximum of 150 people
a limit of 60 participants indoors and outdoors applies to sports practices, games, and regular league play; physical distancing is not required
tournaments are not allowed
children age 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and are also restricted from participating in them outside Nova Scotia




On the ice, masks are not required during practices, training sessions, and games. Off the ice, masks are required everywhere (especially in the dressing room). It is extremely important that you continue to wear your mask when you are not on the ice.


Please note that coaches and instructors who work with more than one group must wear a mask at all times while inside the facility (including while on the ice).






As a result of the recent outbreak in Nova Scotia, all close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases, including those who are fully-vaccinated, now need to isolate until they have a negative result from a lab-based (PCR) test. The lab test should be performed at least 72 hours after the exposure.


In a hockey context, if two teams play a game within 48 hours of a positive exposure involving a player or coach on either team (meaning a player or coach on one of the teams tests positive for COVID-19 within 48 hours of the game), both teams (as well as the officials) would be considered close contacts.  


In addition to these restrictions; GBMH will initiate the following measures and reccommendations:


1. Team Christmas parties will be postponed until further notice (e.g. Novice Skating Party)

2. Games (Home and Away) against off island teams will be postponed until further notice. 

3. Development Sessions - It is recommended to avoid mixing players from various teams. 

4. Practices - As much as possible, limit the number of spectators attending practicing. Parents of players in U11 and older should drop the player off 15 minutes before practice and pick them up following the session.

5. Continue to complete the daily health check and do not attend a hockey related event if you are feeling unwell.


Please continue to check the GBMH Facebook and Web Pages!

Dec 16, 2021